Sunday, August 2, 2009

1st Sundays According To Andrew...

We were heading out the door this morning and Andrew saw that I had the 1st Sundays craft container ready to go into the car. He got excited & started singing, "It's Kids Church today! It's Kids Church today! Daddy needs to stay home--only kids today!" First, I reminded Andrew that Daddy helped with the craft on 1st Sundays. So, Andrew conceded that Daddy could indeed come. Phew. Next, I asked how he knew it was a 1st Sunday. He solemnly pointed at the craft container and would not say anything more about the subject.

After we got home from church I asked Andrew what his favourite part about today was. His response, "When we stained the glass. The was a lot of fun, Mommy."

I hope everyone enjoyed today. I'd love to hear more feedback about todays service. Leave me some comments!


  1. wow....pretty cool. I will read more deeply a little later.

  2. I've forwarded the links to the people who operate the website. That will allow greater access to the blog. I've also posted the address with our email "update" mailout.

